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Magma Art Space Explained

An artist run space created with the aim of generating new opportunities for emerging and established artists between Italy and the Nordic countries, through the organisation and promotion of exhibitions and events, and assistance during the acquisition of works.

What is Magma

Magma Art Space is an artist run space or a space managed by and for artists, whose aim is to create opportunities between Italy and the Nordic countries, Iceland in particular, by organising visual arts exhibitions and facilitate sales.

The project took shape in May 2023 from an idea by Clizia Macchi, founder and director.



Participation in art events and sale of artworks are both important parts in the career of any artist: for this reason one of the main objectives of Magma Art Space is to simplify the technical part linked to the organization and promotion of events and finally to the sale of the works.


We work with a small number of artists, both emerging and established, so that we can dedicate the right attention to each of them, helping them find the ideal location for their works.


Business Model

Magma Art Space is financed by the commission on the sale of works of art and by any entrance tickets to events organized by us: we do not believe in the system that makes artists pay to exhibit their works. We however ask artists to donate one of their pieces to support the life of the project.


To avoid unnecessary costs and have more flexibility in the early stages of the project, we have chosen the pop-up event formula: that is, we organize exhibitions and events in temporary locations, with the support of local cultural associations.



The art market understood as galleries, fairs, etc., has only recently begun to make steps in the direction of sustainability and respect for the environment in daily management practices.


Magma Art Space intends to start immediately with precise procedures and incentives aimed at protecting the environment and raising awareness among our customers towards more sustainable practices. 

Read our Sustainability Statement here


Our Future

Looking out to the future we see Magma Art Space's offer expanding beyond the visual arts, and becoming a point of reference for both collectors and creatives across Europe.

Let's Keep in Touch

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